面壁UNH IOL NVMe一致性测试之22 – Power State Transitions

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Group8 测试 Power State Transitions

Test 8.1 – Autonomous Power State Transitions Enable


  1. 通过将Identify Controller Data Structure的Byte 256的Bit 0设为1,检查SSD是否支持Autonomous Power State Transitions, 如果该bit设置为0,本测试无效;
  2. 下发Set Feature command,enable Feature Identifier 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);
  3. 下发Get Feature command,检查Autonomous Power State Transitions被enabled, 同时SSD返回Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;


  1. SSD返回正确的Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;


Test 8.2 – Return from Non-Operational State

Case 1: Basic Operation


  1. 通过将Identify Controller Data Structure的Byte 256的Bit 0设为1,检查SSD是否支持Autonomous Power State Transitions, 如果该bit设置为0,本测试无效;
  2. 下发Set Feature command,enable Feature Identifier 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);
  3. 下发Get Feature command,检查Autonomous Power State Transitions被enabled, 同时SSD返回Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;
  4. 如果SSD支持进入一个non-operational state,允许SSD在进入non-operational state前的ITPT(Idle Time Prior to Transition)时间内,保持在Idle状态时间;
  5. 执行Identify Power State Descriptor Data Structure, 检查NOPS(Non-Operational Power States)字段;
  6. 下发一个NVMe IO command(例如NVMe write)给SSD;
  7. 执行Identify Power State Descriptor Data Structure, 检查NOPS(Non-Operational Power States)字段;


  1. SSD返回正确的Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;
  2. 从Host write IOSQ Tail Doorbell到write command执行完毕,SSD返回到之前的Operational power state


Case 2: Non-Operation State Admin Commands


  1. 通过将Identify Controller Data Structure的Byte 256的Bit 0设为1,检查SSD是否支持Autonomous Power State Transitions, 如果该bit设置为0,本测试无效;
  2. 下发Set Feature command,enable Feature Identifier 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);
  3. 下发Get Feature command,检查Autonomous Power State Transitions被enabled, 同时SSD返回Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;
  4. 如果SSD支持进入一个non-operational state,允许SSD在进入non-operational state前的ITPT(Idle Time Prior to Transition)时间内,保持在Idle状态时间;
  5. 针对所有该SSD支持的Admin command,下发该命令给SSD,然后执行Identify Power State Descriptor Data Structure, 检查NOPS字段;


  1. SSD返回正确的Autonomous Power State Transition data structure;
  2. 各Admin command下发后,SSD仍然停留在non-operational state;


Test 8.3 – Autonomous Power State Transition

Case 1: Proper Structure


  1. Host发送Set Feature command,要求SSD切换到一个不支持的Power state;
  2. Host发送Get Feature command,将Feature ID设为 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);


  1. SSD正常返回CQ;
  2. SSD返回的Autonomous Power State Transition data structure以及内部的各个Entry,长度正确;
  3. Autonomous Power State Transition data structure内部的各个Entry,内容全部为0;


Case 2 : Controller and Power State Basis


  1. Host发送Set Feature command,将Autonomous Power State Transition data structure Enable (APSTE) bit设为0;
  2. Host发送Get Feature command,将Feature ID设为 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);
  3. Host发送Set Feature command,将Autonomous Power State Transition data structure Enable (APSTE) bit设为1;
  4. Host发送Get Feature command,将Feature ID设为 0Ch (Autonomous Power State Transitions);
  5. 针对SSD支持的每一个Power state
    1. Host发送Set Feature command,将Autonomous Power State Transition data structure Enable (APSTE) bit设为1, 在Autonomous Power State Transition data structure该power state对应的entry中,将Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)字段设为“non-operational power state”,将Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT)字段设为100ms;
    2. 让SSD保持Idle足够长时间,使其进入该power state,Host发送Get Feature command (Power Management Feature)获取当前的power state;
    3. Host发送Set Feature command,将Autonomous Power State Transition data structure Enable (APSTE) bit设为1, 在Autonomous Power State Transition data structure该power state对应的entry中,将Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)字段设为“non-operational power state”,将Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT)字段设为0ms;
    4. 等待10s,Host发送Get Feature command (Power Management Feature);


  1. SSD正常返回CQ;
  2. 当某个Power State的Autonomous Power State Transition disable时,SSD不会进行自动进行power state切换;
  3. 当某个Power State的Autonomous Power State Transition enable时,SSD在Idle相应时间后自动切换到对应的power state;


Case 3: Configuration


  1. 针对每个支持的non-operational power state,Host发送Set Feature command (Autonomous Power State Feature), 将Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)字段设为“non-operational power state”,将Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT)字段设为100ms, 并确保APSTE字段为1;
  2. Host发送Set Feature command (Autonomous Power State Feature), 将Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)字段设为一个”operational power state”;


  1. SSD正常返回CQ;
  2. SSD成功进入各non-operational power state;
  3. 针对步骤2发送的Set Feature命令,SSD回复CQ状态为Invalid Field in command;



Test 8.4 – Power State Entrance Latency


  1. 针对Power State Descriptor table中每一个Entry Latency (ENLAT)不为0h的power state;
  2. 记录所选power state的Entry Latency (ENLAT)值,和当前power state的Exit Latency (EXLAT)值;
  3. Host发送Set Feature command (Feature ID 02h)- power management,指定一个新的power state;
  4. 使SSD保持idle时间达到前一个power state的Exit Latency与所选power state Entry Latency之和;
  5. Host发送Get Feature command (Feature ID 02h)- power management


  1. 检查步骤5返回的power state信息;


Test 8.5 – Power State Exit Latency


  1. 针对Power State Descriptor table中每一个Exit Latency (EXLAT)不为0h的power state;
  2. 记录所选power state的Entry Latency (ENLAT)值,和当前power state的Exit Latency (EXLAT)值;
  3. Host发送Set Feature command (Feature ID 02h)- power management,指定一个新的power state;
  4. 使SSD保持idle时间达到前一个power state的Exit Latency与所选power state Entry Latency之和;
  5. Host发送Get Feature command (Feature ID 02h)- power management


  1. 检查步骤5返回的power state信息;


Test 8.6 – Relative Read Throughput (RRT)


  1. 记录每一个支持的power state的Relative Read Throughput;
  2. 针对每个power state,记录其完成100个read command的时间;


  1. RRT越高的Power State,完成这100个read command时间越短;


Test 8.7 – Relative Write Throughput (RWT)


  1. 记录每一个支持的power state的Relative Write Throughput;
  2. 针对每个power state,记录其完成100个write command的时间;


  1. RWT越高的Power State,完成这100个write command时间越短;


Test 8.8 – Host Controlled Thermal Management

Case 1: Basic Operation


  1. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  2. 设置SSD进入highest active power state;
  3. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1低于步骤1里记录的Current Temperature,Thermal Management Temperature 2高于步骤1里记录的Current Temperature;
  4. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  5. 设置SSD进入highest active power state;
  6. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1低于步骤4里记录的Current Temperature,Thermal Management Temperature 2高于前一个温度但低于步骤4里记录的Current Temperature;
  7. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;


  1. 各个Set Feature command成功完成;
  2. 显示各个Set Feature command后的Power State


Case 2 Invalid Field


  1. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  2. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1比规定的最高温度高1度,Thermal Management Temperature 2为0xFFFF;
  3. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  4. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1为0xFFFF;Thermal Management Temperature 2比Minimum Thermal Management Temperature 高1度;
  5. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  6. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1比规定的最高温度高1度,Thermal Management Temperature 2为0x1;
  7. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;
  8. 发送Set Feature (Feature ID 10h, Host controlled Thermal Management),Thermal Management Temperature 1为0x1,Thermal Management Temperature 2比Minimum Thermal Management Temperature 高1度;
  9. 记录SSD的Current Temperature;


各个Set Feature command, 均返回Invalid Field,同时Power state没有变化。

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