某外资著名存储公司-上海-SSD Flash Translation Layer(FTL) Algorithm Engineer 固态硬盘固件算法工程师

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SSD Flash Translation Layer(FTL) Algorithm Engineer 固态硬盘固件算法工程师

– Design and develop Flash Translation Layer(FTL) Algorithm for SSD product
– Optimize NAND management to meet customer requirements

– Develop firmware using software development best practices
– Debug and Resolve the relevant firmware issues with system view

– Keep good communication with team members
Required Experience:
– B.S. or above in CS/CE/EE
– Extensive C programming experience in embedded system development
– Knowledge in embedded systems and hands-on experiences in developing
micro-controller firmware
– Knowledge in data structure and hands-on experiences in developing
– Knowledge of mass storage systems, Flash memory (NAND / NOR), and
device drivers is preferred.
– Experience of SSD firmware development is a strong plus.
– Experience of Agile software development process is a plus
– Working knowledge of version control system such as SVN or GIT
– Strong verbal and written communication skill in both English and Chinese

15026642269/shane (微信和手机同号)

分类目录 人才招聘.
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